Friday, November 28, 2014

Just in time for the holidays!!

Black Friday. Time to pump out the septic tank.  Return of the Sh*t-geyser.


smalltownme said...

Oh no! I was just giving thanks yesterday that our plumbing was functional.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Shouldn't that be "Brown Friday"?

Jenny Hart Boren said...

Once we learned that "roots in the pipes" also meant "because the old clay stinkers have collapsed altogether", we played a delicate game of not letting TOO much water go down at once, lest we trigger the horrifying Sh*tgeyser in one or both bathrooms, until the plumber (they're ALL busy, I tried) could finally come and dig up the whole mess. A few months' wages later, my pipes are now golden! (Both literally and figuratively.)

Glennis said...

Shouldn't that be "Brown Friday"?

Oh, no, BBBB. It is black as the heart of darkness.